Teachers - Kajetan Pilarski

Kajetan Pilarski

A graduate of the State Primary and Secondary Music School in Konin, specializing in jazz drums, and the Academy of Music in Poznań, specializing in percussion in the field of jazz and stage music.

He works as a session musician on a daily basis. He shared the stage with artists such as: Przed Wschodem Sun, Stork and the Ancymons, Trzynasta w Samo Południe, KIMI, Marek Piekarczyk, Piotr Cugowski, Izabela Zalewska, Danuta Błażejczyk and many others. As a session drummer, he recorded in his “Studio Pod Lasem" for artists from all over the world.

Kajetan is also a composer and music producer. We can hear his works in the performances of the Konin Dance Theater, with which he has been associated since 2019.